Using the Selective Demolition permit, Smoot Construction Company of Washington, DC deenergized the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium and continues with asbestos abatement work, universal waste removal, disposal of non-hazardous materials and demolition of non-structural components within the stadium.
The construction crew is working their way from the top of the stadium down to the service level, which is expected to run through winter.

All abatement and hazardous waste removal activities are being monitored by ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC, an environmental consultant contracted by Events DC. The noise, dust and vibration levels around the site also are monitored regularly. To date, all readings have been normal.

Work is taking place according to DC government regulations Monday through Friday and truck traffic is limited to local deliveries, equipment drop-off and weekly haul-off of materials. Recently, you might have seen some of the orange seats being trucked away.

Several of those iconic orange seats from the lower bowl can be purchased online at as part of our Farewell RFK Stadium campaign, which will honor the incredible legacy of the stadium with public events leading up to the exterior demolition. The project’s website,, features updates, a place to submit your RFK memories and a live construction camera.

District agencies are reviewing our Raze Permit application and plans. We are in the process of developing a vector control plan around the perimeter of construction fence which will address pest management of the property. A traffic control plan will also be finalized and implemented as part of the permit.