RFK Stadium Demolition Info: A to Z
Frequently asked topics about RFK stadium demolition are detailed below.
In the intervening months, the RFK Stadium Campus including the Fields at RFK, skate park and nearby DC Armory will continue to host events and will remain open for use throughout this process. Some areas of the Campus are closed due to ongoing demolition activities. See a map of RFK Campus detours here.
Events DC is committed to open and transparent communication with the community as we plan for this next phase of the redevelopment of the RFK Campus. We look forward to sharing updates and soliciting community input at RFK Campus Quarterly Meeting and ANC meetings.
Events DC has a community engagement team dedicated to the RFK Campus that will work in close coordination with SmootDC’s community engagement team.
As we have since the beginning of the planning process, Events DC will provide updates to and receive feedback from the community through quarterly meetings, the RFK Campus website (www.RFKFields.com) and the RFK Campus newsletter.
In addition, any questions, comments or concerns related to the project can be sent directly to https://eventsdc.com/contact-us.
Dust, vibration, and noise monitoring stations will be established and monitored. Water cannons will be deployed to control and suppress dust generated by the demo activities.
Rodent and vector control measures will also be used throughout the job site.
Solar-powered security cameras will remain onsite throughout this process, as well.
Erosion and sediment controls and inlet protection will be deployed during demolition.
Our DDOT-approved Traffic Control Plan is designed to keep trucks off neighborhood roads and on major arteries.
We are taking every possible precaution to ensure the health and safety of the surrounding community and in accordance with all federal and local laws and regulations.
The National Park Service (NPS) has evaluated the potential effects on the natural, cultural and human environment related to the demolition of RFK Stadium and has determined that the stadium can be demolished.
In the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which was signed April 29, 2024, NPS explains the decision and describes conservation measures that will be taken to avoid and minimize negative effects. The FONSI and other planning documents are available at: https://parkplanning.nps.gov/rfkdemo.
NPS and Events DC have completed the regulatory requirements for the demolition of RFK stadium and NPS issued a letter of authorization to Events DC granting permission to move forward with the project and commence structural demolition activities.
The budget for the project is approximately $25 million.
Hazardous materials abatement and selective demolition of interior elements of the stadium have been completed.
In January 2025, Events DC’s contractors remobilized in preparation for the initial phases of the structural demolition of RFK Stadium.
The initial demolition activities will largely be confined to selective sections of the interior of the stadium and the removal of sections of exterior cladding.
The stadium structure will be demolished in sections using construction equipment - it will not be imploded.
We will take all necessary precautions to minimize the impact of these activities on the community and will continue to provide updates as the demolition process progresses.
Smoot Construction Company of Washington, DC and its subcontractors will advertise any openings through DOES. There is a goal to retain at least 51% local employees.
The selected contractor will be required to comply with the District’s Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) laws, which require at least 35% subcontracting to certified Small Business Enterprises, as well as with the District’s First Source Employment requirements for minimum hours worked by District residents.
The demolition plan calls for the site to be backfilled with crushed concrete and graded.
- Events DC selected Smoot Construction Company of Washington, DC as the DC-based general contractor on the project.
The project is anticipated to take 22 months to complete.
In accordance with DCRA’s noise regulations, work will take place Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. If work is required outside of DCRA’s legal construction hours, we will apply for a special permit, requiring ANC approval.
RFK Stadium Info: A to Z
Other frequently asked topics about RFK Stadium are detailed below.
RFK Stadium was part of the fabric of Washington, DC, serving as center stage for sports and entertainment in the city for nearly 60 years. As one of the nation’s first true multi-purpose stadiums, RFK gave sports and music fans decades of unforgettable memories and iconic events.
Events DC plans to honor the incredible legacy of the stadium with public events as we lead up to complete demolition.
Please continue to follow www.eventsdc.com and www.FarewellRFK.com for updates.
The long-term future of the RFK Stadium Campus is dependent on conversations and decisions between the federal government and officials in the District of Columbia. Events DC looks forward to working with the White House, Congress and DC leaders to transfer the entire 190-acre RFK Campus parcel back to the District so residents and the community at large can decide the best uses for the site.
However, Events DC did engage with the community over several meetings about their potential vision for redevelopment to create a dynamic community hub for sports, recreation and culture. The community sessions encouraged innovative green space design that will sustainably integrate the natural beauty of the Anacostia River and amenities that were accessible to the neighborhood.
The Fields at RFK, Festival Grounds and Skate Park are examples of temporary development that resulted from those neighborhood meetings. Other items that the community said they would like to see is a Market Hall, Sports and Recreation Complex, Pedestrian Bridges and a RFK Memorial.
Media can contact Events DC Director of Communications Christy Goodman at cgoodman@eventsdc.com.
As the official convention and sports authority for the District, Events DC leverages the beauty, history and diversity of the most powerful city in the world. We generate economic and community benefits for the city through the attraction and promotion of business, athletic, entertainment and cultural activities for residents and visitors alike.
As part of our sustained commitment to leading the way in attracting more activity in the District, Events DC will continue to collaborate with targeted strategic partners. These partners’ annual deliverables focus on increasing Events DC’s visibility, working in conjunction with their network of influence and building potential shared business opportunities.
Events DC is always interested in partnering with corporate and community organizations at the RFK Stadium Campus. For more information, please contact Manager of Corporate Partnerships Adam Smith at adam.smith@eventsdc.com.