June 21 - 25, 2024
The ultimate celebration of adventure and sail!
Kick off summer in Washington, DC with the ultimate maritime celebration! Over 700 amateur sailors have embarked on the race of a lifetime. Now, the 40,000-nautical-mile-race around the world will make its only East Coast stop at The Wharf. Tour boats, converse with crews, experience live art and celebrate the culture of the Washington, DC as we welcome yachts from across the globe to our vibrant waterfront.

The Adventure of a Lifetime
The Race
The Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht Race began September 3, 2023 in Portsmouth, U.K. Since then, the fleet of eleven 70-foot racing Clipper Race yachts has circumnavigated the globe and is racing toward The Wharf for its first-ever stop in Washington, DC.
The Celebration
Events DC presents Clipper Race Fleet Week at The Wharf, the ultimate celebration of adventure and sail. Tour a Clipper 70 yacht, immerse yourself in maritime culture, enjoy live music and engage in activities for the whole family!
The Crew
Events DC proudly sponsors the Washington, DC team captained by Hannah Brewis. Over the course of the race, amateur sailors from over 19 nations are represented aboard "Little Washy" with crew ages ranging from 28 to 70.

What People Say about Clipper Round the World...
“Events DC is excited to host the fleet during our Clipper Race Fleet Week at the Wharf. This will be a very exciting weekend full of maritime, family fun. I invite everyone to come to The Wharf and celebrate the accomplishments of these 11 crews who have been sailing Round the World for nine months and are on their last leg to the finish.”
-Angie M. Gates, President and CEO, Events DC