Passport DC
We invite you to volunteer with us and learn about the international community in Washington, DC.
We offer different positions, so you can choose the best option for you. Below you will find descriptions of each volunteer opportunity and the registration form. Scroll down to find the option that you prefer. Volunteers must be +18 years old.
Friday, May 3 and Saturday, May 4
- Information Booth (Flower Mart at the Washington National Cathedral)
Saturday, May 4
- Embassy Volunteer (all participating embassies)
- Information Booth (Dupont Circle and Van Ness)
- Logistics (Dupont Circle and Van Ness)
- Social Media (Dupont Circle and Van Ness)
- Survey Scout (multiple locations)
Events DC thanks you for your consideration. Enjoy this wonderful event!

Around the World Embassy Tour Volunteers - Saturday, May 4, 2023
Embassy volunteers are located at each participating embassy. They are generally the first point of contact with the public at the entrance of the embassies and will keep a count of people entering the embassy.
- Welcome visitors as they enter the embassy.
- Count each person entering the embassy or embassy grounds if the activities are outside.
- Hand out program guides and souvenir passports, if needed.
- Refer participants to the mobile website at
- Tell participants that they can get their souvenir passports stamped at the embassies.
- Encourage participants to attend the other Passport DC events: Flower Mart, EU Open House and Fiesta Asia!
- Encourage participants to complete an evaluation (one per person) after visiting a few embassies.
- Complete a site report with the visitors count information. The second shift will return it to the closest information booth at the end of their shift.
We station information booth volunteers at the information booths located at National Cathedral, Dupont Circle and Van Ness/UDC. Logistic volunteers are an extension of the information booth and are located in the field. These volunteers replace no-show volunteers and help stock embassies with maps and souvenir passports where needed.
- Help participants find the best route to the embassies.
- Help participants read the map provided inside the program guide.
- Show them what is happening in the participating embassies via the Passport DC mobile website (
- Hand out program guides and souvenir passports and encourage participants to complete the online evaluation (one per person) after visiting a few embassies.
- Encourage participants to attend the other Passport DC events: Flower Mart, EU Open House and Fiesta Asia!
- Volunteers also might be asked to assist Events DC staff with the set-up and break-down of the Passport DC information booths and with, as necessary, checking-in other volunteers.
Social Media Volunteers help spread the word out about Around the World Embassy Tour in their own social media accounts.
- Follow Events DC on your favorite social media accounts (Twitter @TheEventsDC, Instagram @Events DC and/or Facebook OfficialEventsDC).
- A couple of days before the event, volunteers will invite people to join Around the World Embassy Tour 2024.
- On the day of the event, volunteers will visit the embassies they are assigned to and post pictures and information from those embassies on their social media accounts.
- Volunteers will create social media posts with pictures of activities, dances, food, dance, handicrafts and more and will tag Events DC.
- Hashtags and handles: @TheEventsDC, Instagram @Events DC, Facebook OfficialEventsDC, #EventsDC, #PassportDC, #PassportDC2024, #AWET2024 #Aroundtheworldembassytour, and #embassyof(name of the embassy), #(Country of the embassy).
Survey Scout Volunteers play a crucial role in helping to collect relevant data through on-site surveys. They will approach participants who are waiting in line at embassies to engage with them and ask questions about the event, demographics and travel origin/arrangements.