Subvenciones Comunitarias

Invirtiendo en Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro en Washington, DC

El Distrito es también la casa de Events DC y con recintos para eventos e instalaciones a lo largo de la ciudad, éste se dedica a apoyar organizaciones comunitarias sin fines de lucro.

Para nosotros, ser un buen vecino y un miembro activo y comprometido de la comunidad significa encontrar formas de retribuir y brindar nuestro apoyo a quienes están en primera línea e impactan positivamente nuestra ciudad.

En Events DC nos proponemos a hacer que Washington, DC sea el mejor lugar para vivir, trabajar y divertirse. A continuación, obtendrá más información sobre nuestro programa de subvenciones comunitarias, al igual que otras iniciativas y oportunidades.

Como miembro activo de la comunidad, Events DC se enorgullece de continuar apoyando el futuro de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en esta ciudad, como aquellas que promueven la participación de jóvenes en actividades artísticas y deportivas.  

Para el año fiscal (FY) 2024, Events DC se complace en proporcionar fondos para este programa por un valor de $750,000 durante dos ciclos de subvenciones ($375,000 en el primer ciclo y $$375,000 en el segundo ciclo). El programa de subvenciones brinda apoyo financiero a organizaciones sin fines de lucro dedicadas a apoyar a jóvenes a través del deporte, artes escénicas o actividades culturales en el Distrito de Columbia.

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Subvenciones Comunitarias de Events DC


Cronograma de Aplicación:

Las solicitudes para el primer ciclo semestral de subvenciones deben presentarse antes del 1 de agosto del 2023; los aplicantes serán notificados sobre el estado de la aplicación en octubre del mismo año.

Events DC FY2024 Lineamientos para Subvenciones Comunitarias (PDF) 
Events DC FY2024 Lista de Chequeo para Subvenciones Comunitarias (PDF) 
Formato de Aplicación para Subvenciones Comunitarias (solo para referencia, no para presentar)

Aplicar Aquí


* Cada ciclo será evaluado separadamente basado en las solicitudes recibidas y fondos disponibles. No está garantizado que beneficiarios de subvenciones en años anteriores reciban este beneficio nuevamente; tampoco se garantiza el mismo valor de la subvención para el presente ciclo.


Los solicitantes deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos de elegibilidad para ser considerados:

  • Ser una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Washington, DC, certificada como exenta de impuestos conforme a los criterios establecidos por el Internal Revenue Service (IRS) en virtud de la Sección 501(c)(3) del Código Fiscal de los Estados Unidos. Adicionalmente, debe contar con la exención de impuestos otorgada por el Distrito de Columbia sobre ingresos y franquicias, de conformidad con el Código de DC § 47-1802.01 (DC Code § 47-1802.01);
  • Utilizar los fondos de la subvención para programas o proyectos que apoyen los deportes, las artes escénicas o actividades culturales enfocados en los jóvenes en el Distrito de Columbia;
  • Presentar copia del estado financiero anual, del año fiscal más reciente, realizada por un contador público certificado. Si la organización no ha realizado una auditoría financiera anual, debe presentar copia del Formulario 990 del IRS para el año fiscal más reciente; y
  • Una copia de la licencia comercial activa emitida por el Departamento de Licencias y Protección al Consumidor (DLCP, por sus siglas en inglés) del Distrito de Columbia, anteriormente DCRA - División de Corporaciones (que indique que la licencia comercial está "activa" en el momento de la solicitud y durante el periodo de subvención). Consulte la explicación sobre sobre licencias comerciales activas en los lineamientos para subvenciones comunitarias.

FY24 Ciclo 1

La aplicación para FY24 Ciclo 1 está terminado. 


Beneficiarios de Subvenciones Comunitarias del FY2022

FY23 - Beneficiarios Ciclo 2

Open Book Foundation existe para brindar servicios de alfabetización a los estudiantes y ha ofrecido más de 12,000 libros a casi 10,000 estudiantes de escuelas de Título I. Agregando a su plétora de trabajo, la organización busca asegurar la representación de autores e ilustradores que son negros, indígenas y de color (BIPOC) al invitarlos a participar en talleres interactivos y compartir libros con los estudiantes.

Más información sobre An Open Book Foundation 

Beacon House ofrece apoyo intensivo a los residentes de Edgewood mediante la prestación de servicios para mejorar el desarrollo académico y personal. La organización atiende a más de 400 niños y jóvenes entre las edades entre 5 y 18 años a través de sus programas educativos después de la escuela y de verano.

Más información sobre Beacon House

CMI se compromete a ofrecer clases de baile que eleveninspiren a Negros, Indígenas y Personas de Color (BIPOC). Los tres objetivos principales del programa son garantizar la excelencia, desarrollar próximas generaciones de bailarines y servir a los residentes de DC.

Más información sobre Capitol Movement Inc. (CMI) 

Las producciones teatrales de Children's Legacy Theatre incorporan obras clásicas e históricas para animar a los adolescentes a soñar con quienes desean llegar a ser centrándose atributos positivos. Durante su tiempo de operaciones, CLT se ha esforzado enr seguir siendo inclusivo para los jóvenes en todos los ámbitos de la vida al mismo tiempo que proporciona un entorno seguro donde los jóvenes pueden aprender y crecer juntos. 

Más información sobre Children’s Legacy Theatre

Latin American Youth Center ayuda a los jóvenes a lograr una transición exitosa a la edad adulta brindándoles cursos de Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL), oportunidades de empleo y capacitación cultural. Desde su lanzamiento, la organización ha abierto un centro de acogida para adolescentes, una instalación multicultural y un programa de gestión de casos. 

Más información sobre Latin American Youth Center 

Live It Learn It ofrece apoyo a los estudiantes de tercero, cuarto y quinto grado de las escuelas de Título I animándolos a aprender y crecer en diversas áreas de sus vidas.  

Learn more about Live It Learn It

Multi-Media Training Institute involucra a jóvenes entre 14 y 21 años de edad, ofreciéndoles una oportunidad única de trabajar en producciones de medios audiovisuales como videografía, radio, soporte técnico de teatro, periodismo y marketing digital. 

Más información sobre Multi-Media Training Institute 


MusicianShip existe para cambiar vidas a través de la música. Para lograr este objetivo, la organización sirve a más de 1,200 estudiantes anualmente a través de su Programa de Desarrollo Juvenil. 

Más información sobre The MusicianShip

Peace Thru Culture, Inc. ha brindado apoyo a más de 2,000 jóvenes entre los 6 y 18 años con programas enfocados en las artes culturales, la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM), el compromiso cívico y la exposición global. La misión de la organización es fomentar el respeto, la tolerancia y la comprensión entre diversas personas a través de sus programas. 

Más información sobre Peace Thru Culture, Inc.

Porchfest DC incorpora formas innovadoras para ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad a explorar las artes y la cultura locales. El programa crea un espacio en que los artistas locales pueden exhibir sus artesanias, los negocios pueden ganar exposición, los espacios culturales pueden resaltarse y los asistentes pueden aprender sobre la historia de Washington, DC.

Más información sobre Porchfest DC

Sasha Bruce Youthwork ofrece servicios a más de 15,000 jóvenes sin hogar y sus familias; y ha descubierto formas creativas de brindar esperanza y sanación a quienes reciben estos servicios. A través de su programa, los jóvenes tienen la oportunidad de utilizar la música para abordar traumas y procesar sus emociones.

Más información sobre Sasha Bruce Youthwork


The Theatre Lab School of the Dramatic Arts busca llevar artes dramáticas de alta calidad a jóvenes y adultos en el área metropolitana de Washington. El programa brinda educación teatral en todos los niveles y ha servido a más de 2,000 estudiantes a través de sus programas.

Más información sobre The Theatre Lab School of the Dramatic Arts

The Washington Chorus ha sido tres veces nominado y dos veces ganador de los premios Grammy. Además de su trabajo, la organización se ha presentado con la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional y en el Parque Nacional para las artes escénicas Wolf Trap for the Performing Arts. Actualmente trabaja, en asociación con escuelas públicas de DC a través de programas como: DMV Sings, Side-by-Side y DC Honor Chorus.

Más información sobre The Washington Chorus

YAAY Me Inc. brinda mentorías, desarrollo de habilidades sociales, apoyo educativo y preparación laboral para adultos jóvenes y sus familias. Además de sus servicios de apoyo, la organización ofrece oportunidades para que los adultos jóvenes participen en el desarrollo del liderazgo a través de la preparación del plan de estudios y apoyo al programa. 

Más información sobre YAAY Me Inc.

El programa de fútbol de la escuela secundaria Capital City Public Charter School busca desarrollar habilidades atléticas, mejorar la confianza y el rendimiento académico. 

Más información sobre Capital City Public Charter School 

CapoeiraDC promueve las artes marciales afrobrasileñas y empodera a jóvenes y adultos para que crezcan juntos. 

Learn more about CapoeiraDC 

CHCTDC se fundó con el propósito de mejorar la calidad de vida de los residentes de DC en áreas económicamente deprimidas al brindar oportunidades que ayudaran a reducir el desempleo. La organización ha ayudado a construir la comunidad del Distrito 8 a través de múltiples actividades y proyectos en asociación con el Departamento de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas y Negocios Locales de DC. 

Más información sobre Congress Heights Community Training and Development Corporation (CHCTDC) 

DC Scores busca crear un espacio seguro para que los estudiantes aprendan a jugar fútbol mientras practican el arte de la poesía. Durante más de 30 años, la organización ha servido a más de 3,000 estudiantes de escuelas primarias y secundarias en todo DC. Cada año, los estudiantes participan en partidos de fútbol junto con escritura de poesía y actuaciones. 
Más información sobre DC Scores

Fight For Children busca mejorar las vidas de los jóvenes marginados en DC brindándoles acceso a programas deportivos de alta calidad. En 2018, la organización centró su atención en fortalecer su Desarrollo Juvenil Basado en el Deporte (SBYD), una división que tiene como objetivo ayudar a los jóvenes participantes a crear relaciones positivas con sus compañeros, mejorar habilidades sociales y emocionales y el rendimiento en los deportes.

Más información sobre Fight For Children

Grassroots Health utiliza los deportes como canal para promover prácticas de estilo de vida saludables entre los estudiantes de secundaria a través del desarrollo de la salud y el bienestar. 

Más información sobre Grassroots Health 

Horizons Greater Washington promueve la equidad educativa mediante la creación de relaciones a largo plazo entre estudiantes, familias, comunidades y escuelas para crear experiencias fuera de la escuela que inspiren la alegría de aprender. 

Más información sobre Horizons Greater Washington

Metroball Youth Outreach organiza regularmente campamentos deportivos, equipos de viajes para jóvenes y programas de tutoría. Durante su tiempo de operación, la organización ha apoyado a más de 600 estudiantes entre las edades de 7 a 18 años. 

Más información sobre Metroball Youth Outreach

NOMIS Youth Network cree que los niños deben tener acceso a oportunidades que promuevan el éxito, fomenten el trabajo en equipo, apoyen la autoestima saludable y la autodisciplina. Desde que comenzó su programa, la organización ha apoyado a jóvenes en riesgo entre las edades de 5 a 24 años de los distritos (wards) 5, 6, 7 y 8. 

Más información sobre NOMIS Youth Network

Open Goal Project brinda apoyo a familias de bajos ingresos a través de programas gratuitos de entrenamiento de fútbol junto con cursos de salud y educación. La misión de la organización es utilizar el fútbol como un vehículo de crecimiento para los participantes del programa equipándolos con herramientas y recursos necesarios para prosperar en sus vidas. 

Más información sobre Open Goal Project

TRDC tiene dos creencias fundamentales que continúan dando forma a la visión y la dirección de la organización: (1) el cambio y el crecimiento positivos ocurren dentro del contexto de relaciones afectuosas a largo plazo, en una comunidad acogedora; y (2) reforzar el bienestar físico, social y emocional de los jóvenes en riesgo conduce a logros académicos duraderos. 

En los últimos once años, TRDC ha pasado de ser un proyecto piloto en una escuela secundaria que atendía  a 19 estudiantes a ser una organización reconocida a nivel nacional con una programación innovadora e impulsada por la investigación, que sirve a alrededor de 500 estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria en todo el Distrito de Columbia. 

Más información sobre Teens Run DC

FY23 - Beneficiarios Ciclo 1

The Angels of Hope Ministries, Inc. incorporates a holistic  approach to address the needs of the mind, body and soul. Created to strengthen academic reinforcement, life-skills and character-building programs, the organization  has been serving youth and young adults between the ages of 15-30 in selected neighborhoods throughout Wards 7 and 8.

Learn more about Angels of Hope Ministries, Inc. 

Help boys and girls of all backgrounds, especially those who need us most, build confidence, develop character, and acquire the skills needed to become productive, civic-minded, responsible adults.

Learn more about Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington 

Building Bridges Across the River (Building Bridges) provides residents East of the Anacostia River access to the best-in-class facilities, programs, and partnerships in arts and culture, economic opportunity, education, recreation, health, and well-being.

Learn more about Building Bridges Across the River

The Dance Institute of Washington, Inc. (DIW) was founded in 1987 in Columbia Heights.The organization has grown to become one of the District’s largest African American arts organizations and a cultural resource. 

Learn more Dance Institute of Washington, Inc. 

DC Way Academy is a Capitol Hill-based travel soccer club, founded in 2013. The organization is dedicated to impacting the development of youth in the community by providing soccer and life-enriching opportunities. The core values of the organization are family oriented, community, affordability, injury prevention, sportsmanship, growing individuals outside of the team and fostering balanced life off the field.

Learn more about DC Way Academy 

DCYOP offers group lessons and ensemble training on all orchestral instruments for students ages 4 ½ to 18. More than 600 students participate in group classes, ensemble rehearsals, and performances each semester through DCYOP’s main-site programming at Takoma Education Campus as well as DCYOP’s school partnerships. All concerts are free and open to the public.

Learn more about DC Youth Orchestra

East Of The River Boys & Girls Steel band is a music training, performing and touring program for youth 12 to 18 living east of DC's Anacostia River.

Learn more about the East of the River Steelband.

Founded in 1990, The Fishing School (TFS) helps to prepare elementary and middle school students for high school success by improving their academic performance and life skills. 

Learn more about The Fishing School 

The Hung Tao Choy Mei Leadership Institute (HTCMLI) was founded in 1995. The organization uses children martial arts, traditional Chinese lion dance and Dragon dance to help students stay in school, incorporate healthy practices and stay away from the criminal justice system. HTCMLI has taught more than 2,200 students between the ages of 5-18 and have seen child students transition 
into adulthood. 


Learn more about Hung Tao Choy Mei Leadership Institute 

Founded in 1999, the Junior Tennis Champions Center (JTCC) provides high performance premier tennis instruction to motivated junior players in pursuit of college scholarships. In 2009, the organization started “Tennis for Everybody” a program which provides sports opportunities to participants regardless of age, skills and financial status.


Learn more about Junior Tennis Champions Center 

Life Pieces to Masterpieces (LPTM) was co-founded in 1996 by local artists Larry Quick and Mary Brown. The program first launched in the Ward 7 Lincoln Heights community and later established its afterschool home at Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School in Ward 7. LPTM remains committed to its goal of preparing Black boys and young men to transform their lives and communities. 

Learn more about Life Pieces to Masterpieces 

Mikva Challenge DC develops youth to be empowered, informed and active community members. After its foundational start in 1998 at four Chicago schools, the program extended its mission to DC community members. Through partnership with teachers, the organization integrates action civics into classrooms and provides students with opportunities to engage in real-life democratic  experiences outside of the classroom through initiatives such as Issues to Action, Project Soapbox, Elections in Action, Student Voice Council and Summer Fellowship Programs.


Learn more about Mikva Challenge DC

The mission of MOVEIUS Contemporary Ballet, DBA Dance Loft on 14, is to catalyze new dance works and expand access to dance and the performing arts in Washington, DC. Founded in 2013, MOVEIUS began as a performance ensemble with successful presentations at the Kennedy Center, Atlas Performing Arts Center and Dance Place. 

Learn more about MOVEIUS Contemporary Ballet 

The National Capital Fencers Club (NCFC) was founded in 2011 by coach G. Franklin King and has been competing in up to 10 local and national fencing tournament per year. NCFC uses the sport of fencing to enrich the lives of young people from underserved communities in the DC metropolitan area.


Learn more about National Capital Fencers Club

The mission of One World Education is to transform students into writers with voice, knowledge and purpose. The organization impacts 5,000 middle school, high school and adult learners in 25 schools across DC. One World was started as the SEED Public Charter School in 2007 and has been an 
impactful writing program. 

Learn more about One World Education 

Founded in 2003, Oye Palaver Hut (OPH) has used stimulating performing arts activities to lead children and parents to realize their own value, talent and potential. The organization incorporates music, dance, history, literacy and health to address the whole child and family.


Learn more about Oye Palaver Hut

The PEN/Faulkner was established in 1980 when National book award winner, Mary Lee Settle created the PEN/Faulkner Award for fiction. The organization celebrates literature and fosters connections between readers and writers.

Learn more about The PEN/Faulkner

Founded in 1994, the mission of Project Create is to provide opportunities for creative youth development through accessible, multidisciplinary arts education. Serving community members in Ward 8, the organization strives to create a “home away from home” in which youth participants can attend afterschool programs, enjoy a prepared meal and engage in communication with caring adults-all while promoting creativity.


Learn more about Project Create 

Shout Mouse Press is dedicated to centering and amplifying the voices of marginalized youth, ages 12 and older, through writing workshops, publications and public speaking. Founded in 2014, the organization has built a catalog of 51 diverse and inclusive books by 500 young authors between the ages of 12-24.


Learn more about Shout Mouse Press 

The Sitar Arts Center engages students in affordable, high-quality arts education and workforce development. The organization serves youthbetween the ages of 7-18 from low-income households throughout Wards 1-8. 


Learn more about Sitar Arts Center

Studio Acting Conservatory became an independent nonprofit organization in 2018 after its departure from Studio Theatre. Located in the Columbia Heights area, the organization believes that quality actor training should be accessible to all. Each year, the program supports between 250-300 students with expected increases each year.


Learn more about Studio Acting Conservatory

Teatro de la Luna was founded in 1991 and has been providing DC residents with high quality theatre in both English and Spanish. The mission of the program is to promote Hispanic culture and foster cross-cultural discussions among participants.


Learn more about Teatro de la Luna

Tech Turn Up was created in response to the lack of mentors of color in the creative technology field. The organization has offered support to more than 40 under-resourced youth from ages 12-17 and have hosted workshops at Howard University, American University and George Mason University. The primary focus of the organization is to assist students with creative technology skills and promote a comprehensive STEM curriculum.


Learn more about Tech Turn Up

Founded in 1944, the Washington Ballet is committed to its three-part mission to bring the joy of dance to the nation’s capital and the world stage through professional presentation of classic and contemporary ballet. The core objective of the organization is to foster an environment of equality and inclusion. 


Learn more about Washington Ballet 

The first independent U.S. presenter to become a non-profit organization, Washington Performing Arts (WPA) is guided by its founder’s motto “Everybody in, nobody out.” Over the past 57 years, WPA has led as one of the first local organizations to present world-renowned and diverse artists to meaningful partnerships with DC area community institutions, performance venues and artists. 


Learn more about Washington Performing Arts 

Words Beats & Life (WBL) is on a mission to transform lives and communities through Hip Hop culture in the forms of emceeing, deejaying, graffiti, street art, spoken word poetry, dance, beat production and knowledge of self. Over the last 20 years, WBL has developed a framework around four key principles-arts education, creative employment, cultural diplomacy and centering marginalized voices.


Learn more about Words Beats & Life

The Young Playwrights Theater (YPT) inspires young people to realize the power of their own voices. The organizations believe that creative expression and theater are valuable tools for education, enrichment and self-actualization among young participants.


Learn more about Young Playwrights' Theatre

FY22 - Beneficiarios Ciclo 2

An Open Book Foundation provides literacy support through collaboration with authors and illustrators to host writing workshops, science demonstrations and art projects to students in Title 1 schools across all 8 Wards. Each year, AOB hosts over 150 events and donates more than 12,000 books to students and libraries.

Learn more about An Open Book Foundation 

After-School All-Stars provides programs and transformative opportunities that help students develop the skills, knowledge, and habits needed to succeed in life, school, and their future career.  We deliver comprehensive, community-oriented programs to under-resourced students in five program areas: health and fitness, academic readiness, STEM, career exploration and visual & performing arts.

Learn more about After-School All Stars 

Children’s Legacy Theatre (CLT) creates extraordinary theater experiences that educate, challenge, and inspire teens to dream and connect to different cultures and ideas. Through our presentation of classical and historical plays, youth question and explore the complex world, composing and directing their own plays, thus, producing positive contributing members to society.

Learn more about Children’s Legacy Theatre 

Empowerment Enterprise 2 (EE2) seeks to empower individuals and change communities. We create sustainable change by providing community enrichment through programing that is focused on youth development, HIV/AIDS prevention, Life Skill development and community development. EE2 was founded in 2008 and is located at 5201 Ames St NE, Washington, DC 20019. EE2 is a 501c3 tax exempt organization that sets out to impact communities through equipping individuals with viable skills. 

Learn more about Empowerment Enterprise 2 

Gearin’ Up Bicycles’ purpose is to create career development opportunities and teach essential workplace skills to youth from under-served communities, while encouraging cycling as a practical, healthy means of transportation. Gearin’ Up provides access to quality, affordable, used bicycles for those in need and hosts various community outreach programs throughout the year. Our community-focused organization focuses on four pillars to achieve our mission: job training, refurbished bicycles, experiential education and community engagement.

Learn more about Gearin' Up Bicycles 

Horton’s Kids empowers children growing up in DC’s most under-resourced communities so that they graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life. We serve 600 children and their families living in Wellington Park & Stanton Oaks – neighborhoods that have been profoundly impacted by decades of disinvestment and barriers to opportunity.

Learn more about Horton’s Kids 

We advance educational equity by building long-term partnerships with students, families, communities, and schools to create experiences outside of school that inspire the joy of learning.

Learning more about Horizons Greater Washington 

Welcome to the home of Marjorie Merriweather Post, where every visitor is greeted with an experience inspired by the life of its founder and her passion for excellence, gracious hospitality, art, history, and gardens.

Whether you are a first-time visitor or long-time member, there is always something new to discover at Hillwood. Most guests spend close to three hours enjoying all that Hillwood has to offer.

Learn more about Hillwood Estate, Museum, and Gardens 

Our mission is to empower a diverse population of youth to achieve a successful transition to adulthood through multi-cultural, comprehensive, and innovative programs that address youths’ social, academic, and career needs.

Learn more about Latin American Youth Center 

The MusicianShip’s mission is to change lives by facilitating music lessons, experiences, and opportunities to benefit those who need us most. At our core, we are a youth development organization that offers a wide range of music education programs, geared towards enriching the lives of students, their families, and the communities in which they live. Our After-school, Summer, Master Class, and Ensemble Programs, such as the Washington Youth Choir, serve youth ranging from 5 years old all the way through the age of 24. And while we are based in Washington, DC, we reach students as far as South Africa, Paris, and Sint Maarten.

Learn more about The MusicianShip

The Nicholson Project is an artist residency program coupled with a neighborhood garden that works to support artists and serve as a creative and innovative cultural hub. We aim to become a community anchor that celebrates the community’s authentic identity while infusing new vibrancy into Southeast DC.

Learn more about the Nicholson Project 

NOMIS Youth Network provides physical health and sports programming services, health and wellness guidance, and counseling and mentoring to at-risk youth in D.C. Operating since 2004, NOMIS moved into the new Boxing Community Center in Ward 7, PSA 507, in January 2015. Those who attend the NOMIS programs come from all over D.C., but predominantly from Wards 5, 6, 7, and 8, and Capitol Hill.

NOMIS Youth Network programs include an After-School Boxing Academy, Elite Boxing Team, and two summer camps. Our students are welcome to visit the facility anytime to workout, hangout, and socialize with their peers.

Learn more about NOMIS Youth Network 

To create opportunities for young players from low-income families and underserved communities to access high-level soccer and grow with the game, on and off the field, to provide resources that empower those players and families to navigate the costs and overcome hidden barriers associated with playing, and to use soccer as a vehicle for cultural enrichment, higher educational opportunities, and greater life experiences.

We’re here to make U.S. youth soccer more equitable and more diverse. we’re here to give black and brown kids a real opportunity to reach the highest levels of the game.

Learn more about Open Goal Project 

Our mission is to build tolerance, respect, and understanding among humans through interactive cultural education, STEM, civics, and global exposure.

Learn more about Peace Thru Culture 

Smart Activities for Fitness and Education (S.A.F.E.) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 community youth sports development organization that uses tennis programs to provide opportunities for youth in the District of Columbia to build their character and self-esteem and improve their academic performance. Through comprehensive tennis and educational programs and cultural enrichment activities, S.A.F.E. encourages youth to make better choices and teaches youth to become confident, responsible, and valuable members of their community.

Learn more about Smart Activities for Fitness and Education (S.A.F.E). 

Step Afrika! blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities; traditional African dances; and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, compelling artistic experience. Performances are much more than dance shows; they integrate songs, storytelling, humor and audience participation. The blend of technique, agility, and pure energy makes each performance unique and leaves the audience with their hearts pounding.

Learn more about Step Afrika 

Shaw Main Streets is an award-winning commercial revitalization and historic preservation nonprofit organization that has facilitated the community-driven redevelopment of Washington, DC’s Shaw neighborhood since 2003.

Learn more about Shaw Main Streets, Inc. 

The Theatre Lab’s uniquely nurturing, inclusive environment is felt through small classes that stress personal and artistic growth. We set high expectations for students at all skill levels and we believe that all students have limitless potential. Theatre Lab classes boost success on stage and off by teaching skills applicable to a career in theatre or elsewhere. Students and parents tell us that Theatre Lab classes result in heightened confidence, flexibility, social ease, and ability to work on a team. These benefits power success on the larger stage of life, not only in the theatre.

Learn more about The Theatre Lab School of the Dramatic Arts 

TRDC was founded in 2009 with two fundamental beliefs, which continue to shape the vision and direction of the organization: (1) positive change and growth occur within the context of long-term, caring relationships and a welcoming community; and (2) bolstering the physical, social, and emotional well-being of at-risk youth leads to lasting achievement in academics and beyond.

Over the last eleven years, TRDC has grown from a pilot project at one high school  serving 19 students to a nationally recognized organization with innovative and research-driven programming, serving around 500 middle and high school students throughout the District of Columbia.

Learn more about Teens Run DC 

The STAND Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports marginalized youth in the DMV area. Our programs are strategically designed to provide the mental, emotional, social, physical, and developmental needs of the children we serve. 

Learn more about The STAND Foundation  

FY22 - Beneficiarios Ciclo 1

Help boys and girls of all backgrounds, especially those who need us most, build confidence, develop character, and acquire the skills needed to become productive, civic-minded, responsible adults.

Learn more about Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington 

Building Bridges Across the River (Building Bridges) provides residents East of the Anacostia River access to the best-in-class facilities, programs, and partnerships in arts and culture, economic opportunity, education, recreation, health, and well-being.

Learn more about Building Bridges Across the River

CHAW’s mission of “building community through the arts” is rooted in the belief that art and community-building are synergistic. A diverse constituency creates more dynamic art experiences, and more dynamic art experiences engender greater empathy by giving rise to myriad voices in a highly collaborative and creative environment. Our goals are to uplift local arts and artists, promote artistic literacy, and share creative resources. Collectively, this sets the stage for our vision: “to connect and transform.” This mechanism for propelling social change is at the heart of all we do: better art makes better justice. We offer instruction in the visual and performing arts for students of all ages and abilities; artist residencies; and outreach. We also produce public art. Classes are taught by professional artists and educators. Our youth programs include after-school courses, camps, outreach workshops, and internships. In our history, we have never turned a person or organization away for an inability to pay.

Our constituency spans a wide income range but is primarily concentrated in Ward 6. In a typical year we serve approximately 5000 people both directly through our in-house programs and outreach, and indirectly through the many non-profits that call CHAW their home, as well as through partnerships with a wide variety of community organizations and schools.

Learn more about Capitol Hill Arts Workshop

Originally founded in 1996 as the Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative, Collaborative Solutions for Communities (CSC) is a DC-based organization committed to helping families and neighborhoods realize a brighter future through engagement and support. At CSC, our vision is simple - to empower urban neighborhoods to become environments where families and youth flourish.  

Over the early history of CSC, our work primarily focused on providing services to neighborhoods of Wards 1 & 2 in Washington, D.C. In recent years we have expanded to provide critical services to residents, families and neighborhoods throughout DC and beyond. We believe that the solution-focused approach we use has the power to impact the lives of people of all locales and ethnicities.

Learn more about Collaborative Solutions for Communities 

DCYOP offers group lessons and ensemble training on all orchestral instruments for students ages 4 ½ to 18. More than 600 students participate in group classes, ensemble rehearsals, and performances each semester through DCYOP’s main-site programming at Takoma Education Campus as well as DCYOP’s school partnerships. All concerts are free and open to the public.

Learn more about DC Youth Orchestra 

GALA (Grupo de Artistas LatinoAmericanos) Hispanic Theatre is a National Center for Latino Performing Arts in the nation’s capital. Since 1976, GALA has been promoting and sharing the Latino arts and cultures with a diverse audience, creating work that speaks to communities today, and preserving the rich Hispanic heritage for generations that follow. By developing and producing works that explore the breadth of Latino performing arts, GALA provides opportunities for Latino artist, educates youth, and engages the entire community in an exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Learn more about GALA Inc. 

Hung Tao Choy Mei Leadership Institute is a 501(c)(3) leadership development organization focusing on developing life-long skills for adults and children of Washington, DC. Since its establishment in 1995, and incorporation as a nonprofit in 2003, HTCMLI has put the community back into martial arts.

Learn more about Hung Tao Choy Mei 

Life Pieces To Masterpieces uses artistic expression to develop character and leadership, unlock potential, and prepare Black boys and young men to transform their lives and communities.

Our vision is that our boys and young men will be catalysts for positive change in the world.

Learn more about Life Pieces to Masterpieces

Midtown Youth Academy is a boxing gym for youth that aims to promote success in education and wellness through boxing. For over 45 years, the organization has served as a safe haven for thousands of inner-city youth and neighbors. It was the dream of Mr. Hughes and still is the organization’s goal, for Midtown Youth Academy to live long and continue to stand strong as “A Balance in the Community”.

Learn more about Midtown Youth Academy

MOVEIUS Contemporary Ballet’s mission is to catalyze new choreography in the National Capital area, and to increase opportunities for dancers, audiences, and students to experience dance and the performing arts. They manage both an innovative dance performance company and a trailblazing facility with its own artistic and community programming. 

Learn more about Moveius Contemporary Ballet 

Founded in 1991, Shaw Community Center’s mission is to enhance the lives and expand the opportunities of Shaw residents in NW DC. As a 30-year community anchor and the sole, remaining community-based afterschool program in Shaw, our Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) families have relied upon the “Center” as a place for refuge, talk, and emotional support. As a direct result of listening to the community, they developed program services in accordance with what they say they need – not what they want to provide. In return, families have developed a “currency of trust” that cannot be bought or faked.
Years ago, SCC realized that arts and humanities program would be key to its success - that by creating a cultural knowledge store grounded in Black heritage and instilling pride in their cultural identity they could promote connection and investment within the Shaw community. Today, as a recognized arts organization, SCC integrates the arts and humanities into its programs starting with the youngest, who receive weekly art instruction and participate in a number of cultural activities throughout the year and culminating in a workforce development program in which older youth, among other things, learn Afrocentric design, create a culturally - informed fashion line, and act as brand representatives, models, and social media influencers.

Learn more about Shaw Community Center 

SOUL (Student-Athletes Organized to Understand Leadership) connects high school-aged youth who are involved in sports to diverse opportunities that build the life skills needed to succeed in academics and careers. They do this by engaging students in our six core programs including College Access Study Hall, Sister Circle, Young Men’s Roundtable, Sustainability Education, and College 101. Through these programs, they assist students with their academic, interpersonal, and professional development. They place great emphasis on providing our student-athletes with the resources required to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, problem-solvers, self-advocates, and practitioners of positive sportsmanship. They encourage student-athletes to take the lessons they have learned in life and through SOUL programs to reimagine the future.

Learn more about SOUL 

Teatro de la Luna was founded in 1991 whose purpose is to provide the Washington capital area –both to its Spanish-speaking community and to its English-speaking community as well – with a source of high-quality theater as seen from a Latin American perspective. Its mission is to promote Hispanic culture and foster cross-cultural understanding between the Spanish- and English-speaking communities of the region via Spanish-language theater and bilingual performing arts. They forward our mission by producing plays, teaching theater workshops to adults and children, organizing poetry marathons, and by producing International Festivals of Hispanic Theater. All these activities provide opportunities for community dialogue, participation, reflection, and support.

Their vision is for a living, working theater with salaried actors, that trains Hispanic and non-Hispanic actors and theater technicians, provides bilingual theater-related workshops and camps for children and teens, promotes the beauty of the Spanish language, and introduces new and unique forms of Hispanic theater to the greater Washington area.

Learn more about Teatro de Luna

Their mission is to prepare elementary and middle school youth for success in high school and life by improving their academic performance and life skills; and engaging them and their parents in intensive, multi-year, and research-based out-of-school and parental engagement programs and activities.

Learn more about the Fishing School 

Washington Performing Arts champions the arts as a unifying force. Through collaborations with artists, educators, community leaders, and institutional partners, they bring wide-ranging artistic programs to stages, schools, and neighborhoods throughout our nation’s capital and, with our virtual platform, share our work throughout the world.

One of the most established and honored performing arts institutions in America, Washington Performing Arts has engaged for more than half a century with artists, audiences, students, and civic life. The city is truly their stage: for decades, in venues ranging from concert halls and clubs to public parks, they have presented a tremendous range of artists and art forms, from the most distinguished symphony orchestras to both renowned and emerging artists in classical music, gospel music, jazz, culturally-specific genres, dance, and more. They also have an ever-expanding artistic and educational presence on the internet, envisioning ongoing opportunities for online connection and community.

Learn more of Washington Performing Arts

Young Playwrights’ Theater (YPT) is a community-responsive organization that inspires young people to realize the power of their own voices.

Since 1995, YPT has served young people across the Washington, DC region with high-quality arts education programs, production of plays and performances written by young people, professional development for educators, and antiracism initiatives with arts organizations

Learn more about Young Playrights Theater